My tours

Selina Pertl Selina Pertl

It's called art ... look it up! - Highlight tour through the Habsburg collection at the Kunsthistorisches Museum

In this two to about two and a half hour tour of what is probably the largest and most important art museum in Vienna, I will show you the must-sees of the museum. We will first see the highlights from the picture gallery (Bruegel, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Dürer, Rubens, Caravaggio, Titian, etc.) and then visit, among other things, the Kunstkammer with the world-famous Saliera by Cellini.

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Selina Pertl Selina Pertl

Shine bright like a diamond - visit the imperial treasury

Magnificently decorated crowns and imperial insignia, precious jewels of all kinds, the "alleged" Holy Grail, the Burgundian treasure or countless relics, all this can be found in the imperial treasury. On this tour we will take a closer look at the former collection of the Habsburgs.

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